Don Briggs & Shaws Department Stores team up to launch "The Lion, The Witch and The Dry-Robe" book in aid of sick children this Christmas

Author Don Briggs and national retailer Shaw’s Department Stores have announced the launch of a new children’s book in aid of Children’s Health Foundation.


The Lion, The Witch and The Dry-Robe” is an insightful collection of short stories in verse form aimed at children but with interesting twists which will equally entertain their parents. The book includes stories about the boy who brings a lion to school, the content of a witch’s brew, how the zebra got its stripes and why the tadpole was falsely accused of impersonation, among other tales with a special message.


“The Lion, The Witch and the Dry-Robe” is the fourth charity publication written by Don Briggs and illustrated by Naomi Peppard. The latest book follows the success of “The Boy who wanted a Dragon” which raised funds for Blackrock Hospice and The Cottage Home Child and Family Services, “The Return of the Dragon” and “Onwards and Upwards” which both raised funds for Children’s Health Foundation Temple Street.


Don began supporting Children’s Health Foundation Temple Street following the serious illness of his eight-month-old grandson Flynn in 2016. Flynn was transported by ambulance from Children’s Health Ireland at Tallaght to Children’s Health Ireland at Temple Street with multiple viral respiratory infections and spent five days in intensive care on a ventilator with a blood transfusion and specialist physiotherapy treatment.

According to Don “It was a scary time but, thankfully, with the superb level of care provided by the doctors and nurses in Temple Street, Flynn pulled through and has prospered since”.


Shaws Department Stores have supported Children’s Health Foundation Crumlin since 2019, setting an initial target of €30,000 to support sick children attending Children’s Health Ireland at Crumlin. Not long after the partnership began, the Covid-19 pandemic saw all Shaws’ stores closed for 20 weeks, which had a severe effect on the ability of the Shaws team members to raise funds.


Once re-opened, Shaws staff across the county kicked their fundraising initiatives into high-gear, holding numerous staff-led charity events including bakes sales, head shaves, coffee mornings, and even abseiling 150 feet from the top of Croke Park’s iconic Hogan Stand. As a result, Shaws have well surpassed the €30,000 target and raised over €100,000 to support the sick children and families in Children’s Health Ireland at Crumlin.


Having previously supported two separate Children’s Health Ireland hospitals, “The Lion, The Witch and the Dry-Robe” sees Shaws and Don come together to support the hundreds of thousands of children who access all Children’s Health Ireland hospitals and urgent cares at Crumlin, Temple Street, Tallaght and Connolly.


“The Lion, The Witch and The Dry-Robe” is available to purchase for €10 exclusively at Shaws Department Stores nationwide. Click here to purchase your copy now.


Commenting on the launch of the “The Lion, The Witch and The Dry-Robe”, author Don Briggs said: “I’m delighted to have another book on the go and for the support of Shaws with their generous sponsorship. In turn, it’s great to raise urgently needed funds for the Children’s Health Foundation. I’m particularly grateful for the wonderful talent of Naomi Peppard whose illustrations really bring our books alive and I’m looking forward to further collaborations in bringing more stories to publication.


Conrad Digan, Chief Executive of Shaws Department Stores said: “Our team are delighted to be supporting the Children’s Health Foundation again by giving all our customers the opportunity to buy this enthralling children’s book which will provide vital funds in helping so many special children. Don has created another great read and Naomi’s illustrations bring the stories to life. Our customers tell us that they appreciate our efforts to raise funds for such a worthy cause and we believe that this children’s book will be a valued gift for many of our children in this Christmas season. All the profits go directly to the Children’s Health Foundation.”


Denise Fitzgerald, Chief Executive of Children’s Health Foundation said: “At Children’s Health Foundation, we are extremely grateful that two of our long-term supporters, Don Briggs and Shaws Department Stores, are coming together to raise vital, life-saving funds for sick children this Christmas. “The Lion, The Witch & The Dry-Robe” is a wonderful children’s book which supports the important work of Children’s Health Ireland at Crumlin, Temple Street, Tallaght and Connolly. I would urge everyone to go out and purchase their copy! Thank you Don, for all your support, and to Shaws for getting behind this wonderful idea for sick children.”

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