Why are we here

About Children's Health Ireland


Every day in CHI hospitals and urgent care centres, sick children depend on their world-renowned medical teams to provide them with the highest level of care.

And those medical teams depend on Children’s Health Foundation’s wonderful supporters to provide the essential and practical supports that enable them to focus on treating the children in their care.

The impact of your generous support can be seen every day across CHI, transforming children’s lives for the better and supporting their families. That’s why we rely on our amazing family of supporters to keep the hospital going and make change happen. It’s your continued generosity that allows us to plan for the future with total confidence.

We are extremely proud of everything that the kindness and compassion of our supporters has achieved for the little patients in CHI’s care. We know that none of what we do would be possible without the trust and generosity of our supporters, fundraisers, volunteers and ambassadors.

Why we are here - Charity Cycle

Because of the trust that our supporters place in us, we go to great lengths to ensure that we are open and transparent in everything that we do.

We are fully compliant with all legal and regulatory requirements and our accounts are audited and available on our website for all to see.

Children’s Health Foundation is a Triple Locked member of Charities Institute Ireland. This means that we are in full compliance with:

  • Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) for our annual accounts
  • The Governance Code for the charity and voluntary sector
  • Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising

I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank everyone who has supported us through the many years we've been able to give Ireland's sick children the very best chance. The hospitals what they are today because of people like you and I hope you will continue to be part of our future.

Fionnuala O'Leary, Chief Executive, Children’s Health Foundation