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Alexis O'Mahony

Alexis O'Mahony first visited CHI at Temple Street three days after she was born.
As her father Steve put it: “That was our first day up and down to Temple Street and this has continued over the past 7 years. Alexis has grown up there and it’s like a home away from home.” Alexis was born with PDH, a rare and serious condition that affects her metabolism. Lactic acid can build up in her body which can be potentially life-threatening.
The past few years have been challenging for Alexis and her parents. “Alexis had no energy as a baby, no energy to smile or even cry” said Teresa, Alexis’s mother. “One night I heard a big laugh, I was overjoyed – where was this energy coming from? But it wasn’t a laugh, she was having a fit.

Teresa and Steve are grateful for all the support of the staff in CHI at Temple Street, whose care goes beyond the medical. “Whether Nurse or Professor, people from different departments interact with Alexis and us on a human level.” Said Steve. “They’re always there if we have questions or need anything. That human touch is really important.”
Teresa added: “You feel that you matter to the Doctors, they make you feel important. I remember one time I was stopped in the corridor with Alexis and this Doctor said ‘Oh my god, is that Alexis, how she’s grown!’ He hadn’t seen her in years.”

Patient and family supports, many funded by generous donations, are an integral part of Temple Street to make the experience of both patient and parents as positive as possible. “Any time we come to Temple Street the Play Department is ready for Alexis, they would always be ready with a present left at the end of the bed” said Steve.
Teresa sees the impact that these additional services can have. “The Sensory Room is great, Alexis absolutely loves it. She also loves the Dog Therapy and the Clown Doctors. Music Therapy is wonderful too, it makes Alexis so calm, and the difference is amazing.”
Thank you all our supporters for giving little patients the best experience, the best care and ultimately the best fighting chance to get back to being a kid again.