Earlier in August, GAA fan, Shane Kelly, and his Mum Sabrina travelled the length and breadth of the country visiting every County GAA ground

County to County Trip

Sabrina organised the mammoth 5-day trip to mark Shane’s 18th birthday and raise vital funds for Children’s Health Foundation Temple Street.  

Shane has been a patient of Children’s Health Ireland at Temple Street since birth and has spent a lot of time travelling between Sligo and the hospital throughout his whole life. The Mum and Son duo have raised an amazing €15,000 whilst enjoying visiting 34 stadiums across the country ending their tour at Croke Park!  

Thank you so much Shane and Sabrina, your support is incredible. We hope you’ve had a fantastic Mum and Son trip  

You can read Shane’s story and donate to their fundraiser here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/county-to-county-trip  

County tp County Trip

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