Christmas Jumper Day - Children's Health Foundation

Short Story

Wherever you are, at home, in school/crèche or at work all it takes is gathering your friends, family, colleagues or the little people in your life to get on board to help lift festive spirits and raise much needed funds for sick children in CHI at Crumlin, Temple Street and Connolly. All donations raised will help fund vital life-saving equipment and care for our little patients. And if December 10th doesn’t suit you, pick any other day to include as many people as possible – the more the merrier!

Christmas Jumper Day

by Jessamine O callaghan

  • Not Set

    Funding Goal
  • 0.00

    Funds Raised
  • Campaign Never Ends

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is € Maximum amount is € Put a valid number

Jessamine O callaghan

6 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio

Campaign Story

Wherever you are, at home, in school/crèche or at work all it takes is gathering your friends, family, colleagues or the little people in your life to get on board to help lift festive spirits and raise much needed funds for sick children in Children’s Health Ireland at Crumlin, Temple Street Tallaght and Connolly. All donations raised will help fund vital life-saving equipment and care for our little patients.